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Yay! You win!
(I'm the voters.)

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However, my wallet's
two sizes too small.

(Hope this'll do.)
Merry Christmas


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When you couldn't find a way,
you made one.
When times got tough,
so did you.
When other brothers stumbled,
you stood tall with the few.

For contributing
to a distinguished legacy
and achieving a greatness
of your own...

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So to keep love company,
He said,
"Let there be soul food
and sunsets
and love songs
and Saturdays.
And words like "ecstasy"
and "redemption"...

But He truly found
love's companion
when He said,
"Let there be you."
Happy Valentine's Day


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I forget to buy milk
and fill up the tank.
I may leave the bathroom
all nasty and stank.
I'm first to admit
I don't pass every test...

But I know loving you
is the thing I do best.
Happy Anniversary

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Would you accept a hug
as a down payment?


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When it all boils down,
there's nothing
like a group of people
connected by heart and history,
tied beautifully together by
memories of "back in the day"
and a love for the same recipes.

I'm glad that family is family,
and I'm glad that family is you.
Merry Christmas

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It's louder than words,
warmer than a hug,
and taller than the sky.
The love that surrounds you
is for always and always...

And that's exactly
how your blessings will flow
today and every day
of your wonderful new year.
Happy Birthday


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So just point.
Or wink.
Or nudge.
We'll know what
you mean.

Happy Birthday
from both your favorites!

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Birthdays are
"Get what you want" days.
Take advantage.


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Let plates be full
and laughs be long.
Let food be good
and bonds be strong.

Let love be near
and never roam.
Let joy come in.
Let home be home.
Happy Thanksgiving

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And that's what you are, Son –
one of the best.
Merry Christmas


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When I say "I love you"...
that's the truth.

Happy Birthday
to my crazy,
wonderful brother.

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In fact,
this card is rented.

Happy Birthday!
(Now I'm gonna need
the card back.)


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Lord knows I would've given up
if you had let me.
But you found a way
to make me feel important.
To make me feel strong.
To make me feel tall
long before I could even
reach the kitchen counter.

And I thank you for that.
Because your encouragement
echoes in my heart.
And your love is the fuel
that got me to where I am today.
Happy Mother's Day

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Thank you for being
the truest,
most wonderful
version of yourself.


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Your face is my
favorite face.


So let the innovation begin.
Happy Birthday, Baby